Collection Name: Ed and Bonnie Wright Collection
Collection Number: 1123
Post Type: History
This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Creation Year:
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Bag 2 of line form Ed/Bonnie Wright, Clayton, CA, USA 1 set stunt lines with handles, purple halo spool - dacron line est. 250 ft., pea green halo spool - dacron line est. 180 lb. 200 ft., blue halo spool - dacron line est. 500 lb. 250 ft., pink halo spool - dacron line est. 250 lb. 280 ft., yellow halo spool - dacron line est. 250 lb. 200 ft., hand over hand style wood winder dacron line est. 180 lb. 100 ft., 3 hardwood winders without line 11.5", 9.5", 9", 1 hardwood winder with line 9", 1 spike to anchor line and kite, 1 pair leather gloves.
Geographic: United States
Kite Type: Accessory
Materials: Plastic
Significance: Commercial
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