Collection Name: Cody Collection
Collection Number: 1867
Post Type: Photo/s
This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Creation Year: 1902
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Dines Meteorological kite about to be launched from the back of steam tug Countess. June - August 1902. For full description see The method of Kite Flying from a steam vessel and Meteorological Observations obtained thereby off the West coast of Scotland. W H Dines address to the Royal Meteorological Society Jan 21st 1903. Note the unassembled kites on the cabin roof. Dines also flew his kites (same type as in this image) from HMS Seahorse again at Crinan in June/July 1904 which may explain why there are Dines images in this Cody collection. See also 553 which is the Winch as described in the paper.
1902 June-August
Geographic: United Kingdom
Kite Type: Accessory
Significance: Historical
Images: (Click to open in viewer.)