May 18, 2012

Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection

Collection Number: 2156

Post Type: Book

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: W.M. Hawley, J.D. Metzgar

Creation Year: 1993

Length: 0.00

Height: 0.00

Width: 0.00


ISBN: 0-910704-76-7 Language: English Description: "Hiroshige leads the field of Japanese Print Artists -in the production and quality of landscapes. Literally thousands of Color Prints came from his brush, mostly in series that ran from two to a hundred or more. This booklet is to aid in the identification of the various series, by showing, full size, the Title Panels of the principal series and a selection of Signatures and Publisher's Marks. Numbers and titles of individual prints have been deleted from panels to avoid confusion with series titles- Considerable variation in the formation of characters in the hand-written titles is to be expected. Check publisher's marks when titles are similar."

Copyright 1993 Hawley Publications

33 pages

Geographic: Japan

Significance: Art

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)