Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection
Collection Number: 2418
Post Type: Book
This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Artist or Author: Wayne Hosking
Creation Year: 1987
Length: 0.00
Height: 0.00
Width: 0.00
Language: English Description: The aim of this guide is to introduce teachers and group leaders to modern kiting. Kites are not just "kids' toys" but a very valuable learning tool. Most students are too busy having fun with kites to realize that they are learning. Kiting can be a fun or frustrating experience depending on one's initial approach. For this reason teachers should introduce basic aerodynamics and kite-making skills before allowing the students to experiment on their own. There are excellent books on the subject of kite-making as well as poor ones. A bibliography and resource list has been included for those who want to pursue the subject further.
32 pages
Geographic: United States
Materials: Paper
Images: (Click to open in viewer.)