Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection
Collection Number: 2197
Post Type: Book
This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Artist or Author: Jane Yolen
Creation Year: 1968
Length: 0.00
Height: 0.00
Width: 0.00
Language: English Description: "Kite flying is not really a laughable occupation, though kite fliers have been ridiculed, railed at, ruled against- indeed, even persecuted- throughout their two-thousand-year history. Most people distrust the loner, the man who will not run with the pack. And the kite flier is both of these: mystic and solitary."
This book is chock full of the history of kites, with pictures and explanations of different countries traditions.
143 pages
Geographic: Australia, India, Japan, New Zealand, Peoples Republic of China, United Kingdom, United States
Materials: Bamboo, Dowel, Paper
Images: (Click to open in viewer.)