Location: New Brunswick, Canada
From: August 20, 2007
To: August 21, 2007

2007 marks the centennial of the construction and flight of Alexander Graham Bell’s Cygnet kite. This 3,393 celled tetrahedral kite was the culmination of years of pioneering kite experiments that Bell undertook at his Beinn Bhreagh estate in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, Canada in his continuing curiosity in avionics and human flight.

To mark this occasion, the Drachen Foundation, in conjunction with the Canadian Kite Federation and the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site, plan to host a private event on August 20th and 21st, 2007 for a number of kite enthusiasts. This event will be held immediately after the Dieppe International Kite Festival (www.cerf-volant.ca) in New Brunswick, Canada, so that kite enthusiasts may have ease in attending both events in Canada’s Maritime provinces.

Festivities for the event include a tour of the Alexander Graham Bell Historic Site and Museum, Bell Tetrahedral Kite Symposium, and private tour and organized kite fly at Bell’s private estate, Beinn Bhreagh. As a special activity, the Drachen Foundation will supply each participant with their own centennial Bell Tetrahedral Kite Kit so that participants may join together to construct a giant tetrahedral to fly as Bell had a century ago.

This unique and historic opportunity is open to only the first 40 registrants, and is offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. Participants must arrange for their own transportation and lodging in Baddeck and the registration fee is C$75 per person (includes dinner, facility costs and materials). For more information, contact Gary Mark of the Canadian Kite Federation.

Schedule of Events (events and times subject to change)

Monday, August 20, 2007

1:00pm Guests begin arriving at Bell Museum
2:00pm Self guided tours
3:30pm Official welcome – Hugh Bell Muller, Bell’s great-grandson and Kite House resident.
4:00pm Bell Museum presentation – Bell, Baddeck and Kites
5:00pm Drachen Foundation presentation – Bell and the Tetrahedral Kite
6:00pm Host bar reception
7:00pm Dinner

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

10:00am Assemble for tour and kite fly at Beinn Bhreagh
10:15am Kite flying at Beinn Bhreagh estate
11:30am Visit Alexander Graham Bell’s grave
11:45am Presentation of commemorative plaque to Bell Family
12:00pm Depart for Silver Dart Lodge – cash BBQ
1:00pm Kite flying at Silver Dart Lodge
4:00pm Departures

Please also check out Drachen Foundation’s Bell Tetra Challenge.
