To honor the inventiveness of Alexander Graham Bell and to celebrate the 100 th anniversary of the flight of his Cygnet kite, the Drachen Foundation invites kite makers everywhere to participate in the Bell Tetra Challenge. Build a Bell four-cell (or larger) tetrahedral kite, adding your own artistry and inventiveness. Use your own materials or look to The Drachen Foundation’s easy-to-assemble kits with the necessary connectors and dowels.
Once constructed and flown, send two photos of your creation, one of the kite and one which proves its flyability. A distinguished panel of judges will choose the most interesting applications of Bell ’s tetra principles and award these kite makers a $250. gift certificate toward purchase of kite merchandise from Goodwind’s Kites. Download the entry form (entry forms and photographs must be received by May 15, 2007) and link to the DF Bell Tetra kite kit.