February 28, 2015

Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection

Collection Number: 3119

Post Type: Document

This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Ed Grauel

Creation Year: 1980

Height: 11.1/4 in

Width: 8.5 in


Two books of copies made from the original French patents of kites, collected by Ed Grauel, USA. Information is now online, through the French patent bureau.

Two volumes:
One 1800-1950
Two 1951-1999

Geographic: France

Kite Type: Accessory, Bowed, BoxCellular, Figure, Flat, Inflated, Sport

Materials: Bamboo, Carbon, Cotton, Dowel, Fiberglass, Metal, Nylon/Synthetic, Paper, Plastic, Ripstop, Silk

Significance: Art, Commercial, Cultural, Historical, Scientific, Sport