May 18, 2012

Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection

Collection Number: 2199

Post Type: Book

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Leslie L. Hunt

Creation Year: 1929

Length: 0.00

Height: 0.00

Width: 0.00


ISBN: 0-486-22550-X Language: English Description: There are many excellent magazine articles and a few good books on kitemaking; but the articles are, for the most part, hard to find except in the larger libraries, and the books call for materials not likely to be had outside of manual-training supply houses or large lumber yards

Since only the commonest materials are required in making the kites herein described, it is felt that this book is not duplicating the efforts of others. It is hoped that this effort will find favor with the teachers in public and special schools, with playground instructors, and in particular with the boys and girls themselves.

110 pages

Geographic: United States

Materials: Paper

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)