Authors: Ben Ruhe
Date Submitted: February 28, 2007
Article Type: Journal

Istvan Bodoczky chose one of the worst years in the 20th century to be born— -1943. Budapest was occupied by the Nazis and his family had lost home and fortune. Two years later things took a turn for the worse: the Russians arrived. His father, a judge, was forced to become a Communist to keep his job, and Istvan at one point was quizzed by police as to his father’s loyalty. Already carefully briefed by family, the boy said nothing.

Istvan received the only corporal punishment ever from his father in 1956. The 14- year-old Istvan and a friend were standing side by side and watching Hungarian revolution street violence when a stray bullet killed the friend. A clout on the head was received by Istvan as a warning against foolish behavior.

Going against family legal tradition (both brother and sister followed their father’s lead and became sitting judges), Istvan opted for an art career instead and he has pursued it ever since with dedication and flare.

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