June 9, 2012

Collection Name: Other

Collection Number: 2678

Post Type: Article

This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Nick Engler

Creation Year: 1999


WWI Aero: The Journal of the Early Airplane
August 1999
No. 165

ISN 0736-198X
This article, written by Nick Engler, is an article on the Wright Kite. Nick built the kite and wrote this article on the history and process of his reproduction.

Nick added: he built a reproduction of the kite, using materials commonly available to the Wrights 100 years ago, spruce, ash, muslin, cotter pins, and waxed cord. And it flies!

Nick Engler
Box 204
West Milton, Ohio 45383 USA

Geographic: United States

Kite Type: BoxCellular

Materials: Cotton, Dowel

Significance: Historical, Scientific
