Collection Name: Scott Skinner Collection
Collection Number: 1929
Post Type: Kite Object or Accessory
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Artist or Author: Scott R. Skinner
Creation Year: 2011
Height: 10 Inches
Width: 12 Inches
Barndoor kite made by Scott Skinner, representing Beaufort Number 3, "Flag". Kite is in Skinner's second Beaufort Series of kites. Paper and susdake, antique bamboo, and linen line. Six-piece paper kite is made with six woodblock prints showing grain lines of the block. Grain lines play to the pun of a barn door made with wood as well as looking much like the wind lines on a weather chart. "Flag" is represented by a Nagasaki flag, Hata, kite.
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Geographic: United States
Kite Type: Bowed, Flat
Materials: Bamboo, Paper
Significance: Art
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