June 13, 2012

Collection Name: Other

Collection Number: 2695

Post Type: Article

This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Patrick Wilson, A.M., Professor of Practical Astronomy in the Univesity of Glasgow.

Creation Year: 1826


This memoir of Dr. Wilson, after being read at the Royal Society, was withdrawn by its author, for the purpose of making some alternations upon it; and was never returned for publicatin. It was found, however, among the papers of Mr. Patrick Wilson, and is now printed with the consent of his family.
Vol. X. P. II
pp 279-97

Special Collections and Univesity Archives
Edmon Low Libary
Oklahoma State University
Stillwter, Oklahoma 74078-0375

Geographic: United Kingdom

Kite Type: Flat

Materials: Cotton, Dowel

Significance: Historical, Scientific
