November 7, 2011

Collection Name: Cody Collection

Collection Number: 1800

Post Type: Photo/s

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Creation Year: 1902

Length: 0.00

Height: 0.00

Width: 0.00


Cody standard and extended wing war kites, including one with topknot at town fete on rugby grounds. Large crowd. Photo may have been taken by kite, but at low level, about 20 ft up. Very likely to be Newcastle or North Durham Cricket Field. Same as 282, 292, 315, 678, 680, 683, 699, 719.. Similar images include 054, 273, 274, 282, 292, 315, 511, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 685, 699, 700, 715, 719, 721, 726, 727

Geographic: United Kingdom

Materials: Bamboo, Cotton, Dowel

Significance: Historical

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