November 7, 2011

Collection Name: Cody Collection

Collection Number: 1864

Post Type: Photo/s

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Creation Year: 1902

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Cody adjusting black (silk) War Kite accompanied by two bowler hatted gentlemen. This kite may be "Old Faithful" made 1901/2 and which may well have been used to tow boats, including the cross Channel trip of 5th November 1903. This kite may also have been used in the Naval Kite Trials in April 1903. See also 178 - the images may be linked as in both cases it is winter/spring (no leaves on the trees) and he was in Crystal Palace in March 1903 where there is a photo (not this collection) showing Cody in a canoe being towed by this kite.

Geographic: United Kingdom

Materials: Bamboo, Cotton, Dowel

Significance: Historical

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)