November 7, 2011

Collection Name: Cody Collection

Collection Number: 1896

Post Type: Photo/s

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Creation Year: 1903

Length: 0.00

Height: 0.00

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Group of Cody kites at Alexandra Palace Exhibition. Primarily showing winch and series of ever increasingly large extended wing kites suspended as if flying in train, note the small wicker flying seat. Extended wing kites with top-knot. Stack of three black (white edging) war kites. Upper suspended black kite has unusual fin/rudder. Long kite sticks against back wall. September 1903. Part of sequence of photos that include 051, 191, 228, 305, 400, 461, 676, 777, 778, 780, 781, 782
1903 September

Geographic: United Kingdom

Materials: Bamboo, Cotton, Dowel

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)