November 7, 2011

Collection Name: Cody Collection

Collection Number: 1593

Post Type: Photo/s

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Creation Year: 1903

Length: 0.00

Height: 0.00

Width: 0.00


Three lifter kites being launched in close formation. Lower kite is extended wing war kite, next is stub wing war kite, upper is a war kite. Note that the fairleads are via stick that connects centre lower cells, the upper lifter has fairlead indicating that there is a pilot kite (out of shot). Kite trials for the Admiralty on Woolwich Common. Group includes 031, 038. 042, 058, 059, 060, 062, 063, 067, 068, 069, 070, 082, 186, 189, 196, 211, 216, 236, 238, 422, 438, 441, 471, 474, 477, 519
1903 March

Geographic: United Kingdom

Materials: Bamboo, Cotton, Dowel

Significance: Historical

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