Collection Name: Scott Skinner Collection
Collection Number: 196
Post Type: Document
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Artist or Author: Valentin Oesterle
Creation Year:
This hand typed book by Valentin Oesterle, written in German, self published.
It covers the The development of the aircraft design kites
A Report about the development of the pattern box kite with a short section on airplane building specifications, complete with photos, illustrations by Valentin Oesterle
Contents Overview:
Box kite as a precursor of the aircraft
Experiments with modern box kite
The box kite to airplane kites
Monoplane with open hull
Monoplane with closed hull
Experiments with three-decker kite design
Written in German, collected by Hans Snoek.
Geographic: Germany
Kite Type: BoxCellular, Figure
Materials: Cotton
Significance: Scientific