August 27, 2011

Collection Name: Scott Skinner Collection

Collection Number: 187

Post Type: Document

This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Dr. H. Hergesell

Creation Year: 1921


Results of aerological meetings from 3 to July 6, 1921
at the Prussian Aeronautical Observatory Lindenberg
With contributions by: Dr. Angstrom, Dr. Berek, Professor Bjerknes, Geheimrat Capelle, Professor van Everdingen, Professor Felix M. Exner, Geheimrat Hellmann, Dr. Herath, Geheimrat Hergesell, Professor Kleinschmidt, Dr. Koppe, Professor Linke, Professor Polis, Profsesor Reger, Dr. Robitzsch, Professor Schmauss, Dr. Stuve, Professor Tetens, Professsor Alfred Wegener, Professor Kurt Wegener, Professor Wenger Written in German, collected by Hans Snoek.

published by Councilor Professor Dr. H. Gergesell in Lindenberg
Special issue of the journal "Contributions to the physics of free Atmoshare journal of research into the higher layers of air"

Leipzig-Munich 1922

Geographic: Germany

Significance: Scientific