May 18, 2012

Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection

Collection Number: 2182

Post Type: Book

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Steve Parker

Creation Year: 1990

Length: 0.00

Height: 0.00

Width: 0.00


ISBN: 1-56458-236-1 Language: English Description: From time immemorial, people have longed to fly like birds. Early attempts with homemade wings and other contraptions led to inevitable disaster, but progress over the past 150 years has been dramatic, and the skies are now crowded with all kinds of flying machines. Starting with how birds fly, Flight and Flying Machines takes a close look at flying machines ancient and modern, from hot-air balloons and kites to helicopters and supersonic jets, explaining how they fly and how they have developed. Beautifully illustrated and full of details on the latest technology, Flight and Flying Machines also examines space flight and considers what exciting developments the future may bring.

64 pgs

References to kites on pages 21 and 22

Geographic: France, Germany, United Kingdom, United States

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)