Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection
Collection Number: 2481
Post Type: Book
This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Artist or Author: Alf Mayer-Ebeling
Creation Year: 1993
Length: 0.00
Height: 0.00
Width: 0.00
ISBN: 3-9803350-9-7 Language: English Description: Light as a feather, in the truest sense of the phrase, are the memories and ideas this book will evoke at first glimpse.
Man's dream of flying is never so vivid and poetic as when he is at play. Then, nothing seems easier. A strange and beautiful mixture of childhood joy and grown-up delight meet in this book dedicated to flying toys and playful flights.
There are as many flying toys as there are species of bird: windmills and kites, balls and yoyos, artificial birds and feather planes, balloons and airships, rubberpowered planes and airscrew gliders, tin plate planes and rockets, moon-mobiles and space stations. But two strong arms or a rocking knee will aslo suffice to evoke the magic of flight.
Flying is child's play; it's just that the technical realisation required thousands of years. This book shows how even now, in the age of mass tourism, the magic of flying is passed on from generation to generation- as flight in the form of play, with flying toys.
112 pgs
Geographic: Indonesia, Japan, United States
Materials: Paper
Images: (Click to open in viewer.)