December 8, 2011

Collection Name: Other

Collection Number: 1939

Post Type: Document

This item was entered by Gary Hinze. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Charles Wysocki - Americana Cards, Concord, CA 94518

Creation Year: 1987

Height: 178 mm

Width: 127 mm


The image depicts several traditional American childhood activities, including flying the three best known traditional American kite designs. Don't bridle your boxkite as shown in the picture, it won't fly! I know it is shown that way in several kitemaking books. I have often wondered whether artists depicting kites have ever observed kites flying.

Geographic: United States

Kite Type: Bowed, BoxCellular, Flat

Materials: Paper

Significance: Art, Commercial, Cultural, Historical

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)