November 6, 2011

Collection Name: Betty Street Collection

Collection Number: 948

Post Type: Kite Object or Accessory

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Tokuko Sato,,

Creation Year: 1993

Length: 0.00

Height: 48.00

Width: 38.00


Japanese Edo kite. Single line. Hand painted washi paper and wood. Red, black, blue, yellow, green. Kite Maker: Tokuko Sato (Japan) This was from teh year that she did the workshop on painted Edo Kites. George Peters was in her workshop, he would paint it differently and when he wasn't there, she would paint over it. This went back and forth for three days.

Geographic: Japan

Kite Type: Bowed

Materials: Bamboo, Paper

Significance: Art, Cultural

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