February 2, 2019

Collection Name: Other

Collection Number: 5276

Post Type: Collection

This item was entered by Henk2 Jordaan. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Not Specified

Creation Year: late 1800's

Length: 7.00 inches

Width: 4.12 inches


41 page Japanese Ehon featuring 3 pages of kite related imagery.
pages 7-8: showing a group of men, women and children flying kites and playing games associated with New Years. 2 Edo-dakko, 3 Tori-dakko kites.
Page 12: a battle scene taking place on land and sea, a samurai taking aim at a courtesan on a boat led by a fan kite.

Geographic: Japan

Materials: Paper

Significance: Art, Commercial, Cultural, Historical

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)