November 14, 2011

Collection Name: Other

Collection Number: 1915

Post Type: Kite Object or Accessory

This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Tatsuro Kashima

Creation Year:

Height: 59 inches

Width: 38 inches


Kite: Edo Inquiry from George Peters, Boulder Colorado Date: 10/28/2011 Kitemaker: Tatsuro Kashima Owner: George Peters, Boulder Colorado Provenance: This kite has been in my collection since maybe 1978. Can any of you tell me who the kite maker is? I was told it was a kite of Teizo Hashimoto san. I got it in Hawaii from Robert Loera after he brought it back from Japan. I think I traded everything in my kite bag at the time for it. Just wondering if it is a Hashimoto kite. Even if it is not, I still love this kite. According to Nobuhiko Yoshizumi: This kite is Tatsuro Kashima's. Japanese letter is "鹿島達郎", maybe show mistarius letter, sorry. I love his careful finish kites and detailed work, also his works of "ART KITE" collection.

There is a system using "wing nuts" to remove the long spars so that the kite can be rolled up and transported easily.  

Geographic: Japan

Kite Type: Flat

Materials: Bamboo, Paper

Significance: Art, Cultural

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