October 25, 2016

Collection Name: Kite Collection

Collection Number: 4235

Post Type: Art

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Nancy Kiefer,Greg Kono,

Creation Year: 2007

Length: 0.00

Height: 9.00

Width: 25.50


Kaku Dako-style art kite by Nancy Kiefer (USA). Created as a collaboration between kitemaker and artist Greg Kono (USA) for the DF grant funded project "Flying Faces: Images on Kites", which eventually culminated into the DF "Artist and the Kitemaker" travelling exhibition.

"The project included the painting of 4-6 large faces on translucent mulberry paper to be translated into kites by kite-maker and sculptor Greg Kono. Additionally, media specialist Matthew Stubbs was to facilitate the process of helping the artist to create a website documenting the kites and other work.

Out of the twelve paintings I made, a total of seven were successful presented for the final project. Greg Kono made all seven into kites. In addition, Greg showed me the meticulous process he goes through to make a kite-we worked together for several hours as he taught me how to make a kaku-doko kite. Matthew Stubbs photographed the paintings and continues to offer his help in creating a website for me that will include the kite paintings.

In essence, the unanticipated results were that the grant provided more than I ever imagined: The process yielded a study and practice in different painting techniques on mulberry paper as well as learning how to make a transformation from 2-D painting to 3-D object (in this case a flying object that would change in form and visibility). Working with Greg and actually seeing the transformation take place cemented a deeper commitment to making more kites and thinking in "aero-vision", so to speak. Finally, flying them was the greatest part of it. " - Nancy Kiefer

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)