May 4, 2012

Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection

Collection Number: 2034

Post Type: Book

This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Marion Downer

Creation Year: 1959

Length: 11 inches

Width: 8 1/4 inches


This book by Marion Downer, was written and illustrated by her, and focuses on how to make kites that will fly---Bow kites, box kites, bird kites, Flying Wedges, with pattern for them all.

The clear diagrams and directions tell exactly how to make the kite you want, shows you how to make it at minimum expense, and then how to launch it and fly it and perhaps even with a kite-flying contest.

All ages
Published Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Co, New York
page 63/black and white
Library of Congress 58-14497
Your Hand Made Kite
Tools Needed for Kite-Making
Materials Used in Kite-Making
Your Work Space
Extra Helps
Construction Methods
Tails and a Parachute
Kites to Make: Flat Kites
Sky Sailer Kite
Arched-Top Kite
Face Kite
Bird Kite
Bow Kites
Eddy Bow Kite
Double Bow Kite
Flat-Nose Bow Kite
Box Kites
Square-End Box Kite
Oblong-End Box Kite
Flying Wedge Kite
Triangular Box Kite
Kite Coloring
Your Kite in the Sky
To Launch
To Fly
Safety Observances
Kite Flying Contents
Entering Your Kite
Kites Day
Tournament-Events and Awards
All in the Game

Geographic: United States

Kite Type: Bowed, BoxCellular, Figure, Flat, Sport

Materials: Cotton, Dowel, Paper

Significance: Art, Historical, Sport

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)