Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection
Collection Number: 2660
Post Type: Report
This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Artist or Author: Hamiora Pio of Ngati-Awa at Te Teko and Elsdon Best
Creation Year:
A collection of kite related research notes and citations collected by Lisa Bennett, USA.
1. The Maori Kite of Aute Bark, two pages.
2. Games and Pastimes of Children, 1925 by Elsdon Best, seven pages, incomplete.
3. Games and Pastimes of the Maori, E. Best, 1925, two pages.
4. Continuation of Games and Pastimes of the Maori, E. Best.
5. The Ancient Maori, his games, etc. New Zealand Official Year, book, 1907. two pages.
6. Excerpt from A. Hamilton, The art workmanship of the Maori race in New Yealand. two pages.
Geographic: New Zealand
Kite Type: Bowed, Figure
Materials: Bamboo, Cotton, Dowel, Paper
Significance: Cultural, Historical