Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection
Collection Number: 2204
Post Type: Book
This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Artist or Author: Margaret Greger, illustrated by: Pierr Morgan Leitz
Creation Year: 1979
Length: 0.00
Height: 0.00
Width: 0.00
Language: English Description: "This little booklet is intended as a supplement to "Blown Sky-High," a book of 14 kites scaled and tested for classroom use, which I published in 1977. Many people wrote to me after seeing the book, and some of the kites in this supplement come from generous correspondents.
The criteria for classroom kites are: (1) They must be winners. No one wants to go to a lot of trouble to teach people that kites are hard to make and really don't fly very well. (2) They must call for easily obtainable, inexpensive materials. I realize that both of these qualifications are relative. The Oriental kites in H Blown Sky-High" are framed with matchstick bamboo reed, which, if you will all forgive me, doesn't grow on trees, at least in Washington State. But when you do find a reed blind, you have material for hundreds of kites. (3) They must be easy to make in about an hour's time, so the project can be finished (and perhaps flown) the day it is begun.
Simplicity does not imply inferiority. The smallest and simplest of the lot, the mini-sled, will fly with the big ones. All are winners, ready to give novice kite builders--not just those people interested in kites for the classroom--the kind of successful experience which leads to confidence and competence.
This booklet will be used with "Blown Sky-High" in my classes and workshops. It is arranged for easy use, with instructions and diagrams on facing pages, whenever possible. Kitebuilders will be able to build "Flying Kites" from the information given. More general information on bridles, flying line, reels and materials can be found in "Blown Sky-High."
21 pages
Geographic: United States
Materials: Paper
Images: (Click to open in viewer.)