Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection
Collection Number: 2596
Post Type: Book
This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Artist or Author: Conception, Organization, Exhibition: Paul Eubel; Project Assistant: Ikuko Matsu
Creation Year: 1991
Length: 0.00
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ISBN: None available Language: English Description: The kite, its clean ascent, its dashing flight, always contains something prodigious, almost miraculous. The simple technology of the kite makes the childhood dream of flight possible. Behind the space race, behind the conquest of sky navigation, stands this paper or cloth bird, ribbed on a wooden frame.
The kite - cometa, aguilone, papagaio, Drachen, cerf-volant, vozdushnyi smei and tako - is an element common to all cultures and civilizations; it is an age-old game, a universal language. The flight of the kite has engaged imaginations on all continents since the dawn of time. But one characteristic of the kite is yet to be fully exploited: its potential as a medium for artistic expression, its versatility as a work of art.
This book documents an extraordinary event demonstrating this potential: kites as an object of contemporary artistic design. Dr. Paul Eubel, former director of the Goethe Institute in Osaka, invited over one hundred artists from twenty different countries to design the kites of their imagination. Skilled Japanese artisans ensured that these objects could fly and launched them in a unique pageantry of color.
An exhibition displaying the art kites has been touring major museums in Japan, Europe and America. The enthusiasm generated throughout the world by the exhibition led to this publication, which we believe captures the fascination and excitement of this unusual project.
346 pages
Geographic: Germany, Japan
Materials: Paper
Images: (Click to open in viewer.)