June 29, 2012

Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection

Collection Number: 2779

Post Type: Document

This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: T.W, Knacke

Creation Year: 1972


The Parawing, the Parafoil, the Sailwing and the Volplane, achieve glide ratios of better than 3 to 1. They are lowering payloads of 6000 pounds from altitudes of 20,000 feet at dynamic pressures up to 100 psf. Their flight characteristics are more representative of gliders than of parachutes. This paper discusses the historical and technical development, defines aerodynamics stress analysis, deployment characteristics and flight performance, as well as showing some areas of operational application with emphasis on decoupled landing of logistics shuttle spacecraft.

Participants: Northrop Corporation/ Ventura Division

Geographic: United States

Kite Type: Inflated

Materials: Ripstop

Significance: Scientific
