May 18, 2012

Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection

Collection Number: 2629

Post Type: Book

This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.

Artist or Author: Richard Synergy

Creation Year: 1992

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Height: 0.00

Width: 0.00


ISBN: 0-9696954-0-3 Language: English Description: This book is about flying dual control stunt kites. I have written it especially for beginners and intrmediates who want to learn to fly with a greater degree of ease and control.

If you have never flown a stunt kite before, read from page 2 to page 45 before you launch a kite for the first time. An hour spent reading will enable you to accomplish in a few hours practice what otherwise would take days. Read about safety, courtesy, knots, kite-line, sleeving, launching, steering and basic maneuvers. I included this information to save you from frustration. Read it! Then go fly with ease!

Turn to page 18, if you have already been flying for a few weeks. Begin by reviewing some ideas on aerodynamics and tuning. Humour me! Read what I've written about making a precision bridle. Then benefit yourself greatly. Make a bridle for one of your kites. By making and using a bridle of the kind I describe, you will discover more about tuning and about making a kite pull properly, then can be learned in a hundred books. Correct tuning is a big step toward easy, accurate flying!

Turn to page 35, if you have been kiting for a few months Read my remarks about Body English and how to use your eyes, ears, and sense of touch to guide and control your kite more accurately.

Turn to page 48 if you have been kiting for a year. Review the basic maneuvers and prepare yourself to learn the precision figures. Precision figures begin on page 57.

Take it a step at a time. Read up on a maneuver that is appropriate to your skill level. Then practice for 15 minutes. Do this every time you fly. You'll see improvement!

142 pages

Geographic: Canada, United States

Materials: Paper

Images: (Click to open in viewer.)