Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection
Collection Number: 2740
Post Type: Photo/s
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Artist or Author: Ben Ruhe
Creation Year: 2003
Weng Hsiang, of Chiou Fen, Taiwan has created the most charming hotel, restaurant and kite museum in Chiou Fen, Taiwan. Build to attract tourist, this inexpensive site is not to be missed. Among the collection of good Republic of China kites, he has collected many good contemporary western kites as well. There is little documentation in English, but that does not matter. The kites speak for themselves.
Geographic: Republic of China (Taiwan)
Kite Type: Bowed, BoxCellular, Figure, Flat, Sport
Materials: Bamboo, Carbon, Cotton, Dowel, Fiberglass, Nylon/Synthetic, Paper, Plastic, Ripstop, Silk
Significance: Art, Commercial, Cultural, Historical, Sport