Collection Name: Other
Collection Number: 2011
Post Type: Document
This item was entered by Ali. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Artist or Author: James RIncon
Creation Year: 2012
Despite cutbacks in funding, the 84th Annual Zilker Kite Festival of Texas took to the skies. This article clearly explains how declining budgets affect kite festivals.
Special thanks to the work of Dorsey and Bunny Twidwell, who have kept this festival going for the last 14 years.
Geographic: United States
Kite Type: Accessory, Bowed, BoxCellular, Figure, Flat, Inflated, Sport
Materials: Carbon, Dowel, Fiberglass, Nylon/Synthetic, Plastic, Ripstop
Significance: Art, Sport
Images: (Click to open in viewer.)