Collection Name: Drachen Foundation Collection
Collection Number: 2209
Post Type: Book
This item was entered by Matthew Sutton. They assume full responsibility for all content.
Artist or Author: Alison Fujino and Benjamin Ruhe
Creation Year: 1989
Length: 0.00
Height: 0.00
Width: 0.00
ISBN: 0-89471-697-2 Language: English Description: Remember when kite flying was a sedentary sport? You rigged the kite, launched it, coaxed it into stable flight, then stood at ease and flew. Two minutes went by, then five, then ten. Nothing else to do but reach for the picnic lunch.
No longer!
Now there are dual-line stunt kites to fly for real action. They swoop, climb, dive, loop, hedgehop at high speed and with great precision, ripping the air as they trace sky arabesques. Made of tough, space-age materials, these rugged new kites mean continuous action and a great physical workout.
Fliers shuffle and sidestep, lean and bend against the heavy pull, shadowbox with their lines, and sing along with the taped music plugged into their ears.
Flying is aerobic exercise and aerial ballet, fun to do, fun to watch.
Move over Frisbee!
110 pages
Geographic: United States
Materials: Paper
Images: (Click to open in viewer.)