Purchasing Information
Does Drachen Foundation have a retail store? No, Drachen Foundation does not have a retail store. Our on-line merchandise is shipped from our warehouse facility in Tieton, Washington.
What payment methods do you accept? Payments may be made by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and PayPal. If you require a purchase order or need to pay by check, please contact us to make arrangements.
I work for a non-profit. Can I get a discount on my order? A 10% discount is available for purchases of 10 or more kite kits or winders. This discount is available to all customers.
Is there a discount for large orders? There is a 10% discount for orders of 10 or more kite kits or winders.
How do I estimate shipping? You can estimate the shipping cost by using the on-line store to select your items and checkout. Prior to confirming your order and paying for it, the shipping cost is calculated and added to your order. You may then proceed with the checkout and payment process or you can exit from the order system without placing the order.
How do I track my order? After the order is shipped, you will receive an email with the UPS tracking number. You can track your order on the UPS website @ www.ups.com.
Do you accept returns? Please see the Returns and Refunds page.
Shipping Information
US Mainland Shipping: The Drachen Foundation Store ships orders twice each week. Depending upon which day your order is made, it may be up to four (4) days before it is shipped. Orders are generally shipped via UPS ground (usually arriving 3-5 days from the date of shipping).
Please note that UPS cannot deliver to PO Box numbers, so please use a street address for your shipping address.
Non US Mainland Destinations: Please contact us directly to discuss shipping options and cost.
Shipping Cost: Shipping costs are calculated on each order based on the weight and size of the package and the shipping address. There is no additional charge for handling,
Expedited Shipping: Orders can be expedited on a case by case basis. Contact us directly to discuss your requirements. Shipping costs for expedited orders are passed to the customer at cost and a handling charge to recover any additional costs may also be added.
Shipping by a Different Carrier: Drachen Foundation may determine, at its own discretion, that an alternative shipper is more suitable. If we use an alternative shipper, there will be no additional cost to the customer unless it is agreed to by the customer. If you require an alternative shipper, please contact us directly to make these arrangements.
Shipping Notification: When your order is shipped you will receive an email confirmation with the tracking information included.