A unique kite by Steve Brockett takes flight over the 2016 International Kite Festival in Cervia, Italy.
Drachen Foundation does not own rights to any of the articles or photographs within, unless stated. Authors and photographers retain all rights to their work. We thank them for granting us permission to share it here. If you would like to request permission to reprint an article, please contact us at discourse@drachen.org, and we will get you in touch with the author.
- From the Editors
- Correspondence
- Contributors
- The Search for Usable Energy JOE HADZICKI
- Memories from a Southern California Kite Family ROBERT AND RICHARD LOERA
- Unboxxed at the New Boxx Gallery ALI FUJINO
- Cervia Kite Festival 2016 JOSE SAINZ
- Kites of Hope: A Soaring Tale of Hope AZMEENA RAHMATULLAH
- From the Forgotten Bookshelf SCOTT SKINNER
Scott Skinner
Ali Fujino
Katie Davis
Scott Skinner
Martin Lester
Joe Hadzicki
Stuart Allen
Dave Lang
Jose Sainz
Ali Fujino
Bonnie Wright
Wayne Wilson
Keith Yoshida
Drachen Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation devoted to the increase and diffusion of knowledge about kites worldwide.
Discourse is published on the Drachen Foundation website several times a year and can be downloaded free at www.drachen.org (under Browse > Articles).
You never know when an inspirational moment will happen around kites. Attending the 32nd International Kitefliers Meeting in Fanoe, Denmark certainly provided such a moment when fliers paid tribute to German kitemaker Werner Ahlgrimm, who passed away earlier this year. On a beautiful Danish day, the sky was filled with Ahlgrimm Roloplan kites of various configurations. Over twenty graced the sky for most of the day.
In another, totally unexpected situation – an evening barbecue at a paragliding-friend-of-a- friend’s house in Salt Lake City – another guest, a neighbor of the host’s parents, was the surprise “inspirer.” Lee Caporalli mentioned that he was from Brazil, and I asked if there were pipas – the distinctive Brazilian fighting kite – in all parts of Brazil or just in specific regions. Well, what happened next was an enthusiastic reminiscence of his childhood growing up with pipas. Lee explained how the cutting line was made, strategies for fighting, the skill of actually capturing a cut kite and retrieving it, all to the ready ears of myself, Blake Pelton, and Jose Sainz. Not satisfied with simply explaining how a kite was made by kids with no money, Lee dashed into the house and returned with a square piece of paper with which he made a capocheta, one of the most elegant and simple sled kites I’ve ever seen! After seeing kites from all over the world, the most beautiful are often the most humble. See how easy it is to make your own capocheta on the following page.
And now on to the issue. I hope you’ll enjoy a short insight into father and son Richard and
Robert Loera. One of the great kite ambassadors of the 1980s and 1990s, Robert Loera came to his passion for kites naturally, as his father, Richard, ran Beauty in the Wind kite store in San Diego.
Photos by Jose Sainz tell much of the story of 2016’s Cervia International Kite Festival. For over 30 years, this has been the festival that best showcases artists and their kites. And speaking of artists, see and read many of the ideas of Otto Piene, a pioneering sky artist of the 1960s. More Sky, an innocent paperback from 1970 presents wonderful ideas that kitemakers and fliers can still explore now, 45 years later.
Drachen Foundation board member Joe Hadzicki brings us another update on the state of wind energy generation. Google X has jumped into the fray with the leadership of Astro Teller and the research of Makani Power. Ali Fujino reports on Drachen’s first kite exhibit in Tieton, Washington, where our collection has been stored for almost ten years. Paper-and-bamboo kite friends Jose Sainz and Greg Kono, and I present some of our newest creations to the Boxx Gallery and to Discourse readers. Finally, NGO Roshni Helpline inspires with their successful kite project to raise awareness about the cause of missing children in Karachi, Pakistan.
Best of winds,
Scott Skinner
Board President
Drachen Foundation

Scott Skinner. How to make a capocheta: Using a square piece of paper, position paper with the point up and crease vertically down the center. Open and lay flat and fold top three corners to the center, refold the top to rear and leave left and right sides creased. Fold left and right corners back for bridle reinforcements, and tie a bridle loop to each. Find the center of your bridle loop and add a flying line attachment, then add tails to match wind conditions and enjoy the flight!
What a lovely issue. Such a pleasure to read – especially the interview with Ben.
It was Ben who introduced me to the Foundation – over breakfast at the Thailand Kite Festival many, many years ago.
We talked for an hour or so and he said to me “Write to Ali, and say I asked you to” – and that was a beginning of a wonderful friendship.
Thank you. Another great issue. Naturally forwarded it to my daughter, who is going to be an art teacher.
Thank you so much for publishing my article. It looks great and I am proud to see it among other excellent and interesting publications.
It is truly an honor for me to publish in Discourse. I’m up to something new and surprising for the next opportunity!
In Argentina, some difficult times, but we are enjoying our new life at the sea and nature. Luckily there is always a kite!

Erin Hatch
Seattle, Washington
Fujino has worked at the Smithsonian and is currently Director of Advancement for the Alaska Wilderness League. She continues her 24 years with the Drachen Foundation by serving on Drachen’s board of directors.

Tyler Hadzicki
San Diego, California
An engineer, inventor, and entrepreneur, Hadzicki is one of three brothers who started Revolution Enterprises, the first to make a completely controllable four-line kite. The Rev has been the standard for the kite industry for over 20 years.

Courtesy of Robert Loera
Lahaina, Hawaii
Undefeated fighter kite champion, sport kite champion, kite store owner, and American kite ambassador Robert Loera was exposed to kiting by his father, Richard, owner of San Diego’s Beauty in the Wind kite store in the early 1980s.

Courtesy Spectrum Y&R
Karachi, Pakistan
Rahmatullah is a self-proclaimed workaholic at heart who loves treating herself to adventures. Currently Associate Creative Manager at Spectrum Y&R, she is passionate about interacting with people and getting to know their stories.

Jose Sainz
San Diego, California
Sainz is the Horatio Alger of American kitemaking. Renowned for his elaborate, beautiful kites with Aztec motifs, he has conducted kitemaking workshops around the country and is a board member of the Drachen Foundation.

Scott Skinner
Monument, Colorado
A former Air Force instructor pilot, Drachen’s board president has flown and designed kites for three decades. Today, Skinner is known as a world class, visionary kite artist.
- The Search for Usable Energy JOE HADZICKI
- Memories from a Southern California Kite Family ROBERT AND RICHARD LOERA
- Unboxxed at the New Boxx Gallery ALI FUJINO
- Cervia Kite Festival 2016 JOSE SAINZ
- Kites of Hope: A Soaring Tale of Hope AZMEENA RAHMATULLAH
- From the Forgotten Bookshelf SCOTT SKINNER
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