The Art of the Japanese Kite, Tal Streeter, 1974
The book that inspired a generation of kite makers to turn their attention to Japanese kites.

Early Aviation at Farnborough, Balloons Kites and Airships, Percy Walker, 1971
The best book for great pictures of Cody’s kites, balloons, and airplanes. It puts Cody’s work into the context of the aerial activity at Farnborough, England.
Edo Dako (Tokyo Kites), Masaaki Modegi, 1986
Featuring the kites of Teizo Hashimoto, this is another inspiring collection of masterpieces.

Japanese Kites: A Vanishing Art, David Kung, 1962
An inspiring, self-published volume that describes the state-of-the-kite-art, in Japan, in the early 1960s

Kites, An Historical Survey, Clive Hart, 1967
The best source for details of kite history. This is the introduction for most, to ethnic kites, historical kites, and important figures in kite history.

Kites for Everyone, Margaret Gregor, 1984
Still one of the finest sources for reliable/flyable workshop kites.

Kites Sculpting the Sky, Tsutomu Hiroi, 1978
Hiroi was far ahead of his time in thinking of kites as aerial sculpture. His cellular creations are still inspiring.
Kunstdrachen (Art Kites), Paul Eubel, 1988
A feast for the eyes. These collaborative kites are wonderful modern art, but the kites themselves, are also great examples of the kite makers’ art.
Les Cerfs Volants, J. Lecornu, 1902
A great reference for historical replica kite makers.

The Penguin Book of Kites, David Pelham, 1976
The best volume of good kite information to be found in one place. Pelham gives you so many answers, and I love his kite plans.