By Lee Toy Vol 1. No 1. July


Hi! Welcome to the first issue of the Bay Area kiting newsletter. We are trying through this newsletter to create a communication link be­tween the many and very diverse kite flying people in the Bay Area. We want to share what we know and what you know about making and flying kites, kite contests and displays and anything about kites that you are interested in.

To get started right we need you-the information and knowledge you have to share about kites, 50000! drop us a line and let us know what you are interested in and thinking about kite-wise. The enclosed questionaire when filled out by you folks will help us to “read” what you want in a kite newsletter and enable it to serve us all better.


Jerome Prager is an extraordinary kite maker from San Pablo. He can be seen flying many home made kites at the Berkeley Marina on the week­ends.

Jerome grew up in the Philippines and recalls how his mother would get angry at him for staying out in the fields all day flying kites. He prides himself as being one of the few kitemakers in the Bay Area who can construct the complex Malaysian half moon kite. He learned how to make it from a local bamboo lumber yard owner in his native country.

The Malaysian half moon kite is a fighter kite but not like its Indian cousin which uses cutting line to determine a winner. The Malaysian fighters actually battle for the kite that attains the highest angle of flight.

KITE FLYER newsletter will sponsor a kite fly July 30, 1978 at the
Berkeley marina. The kite fly will be held from noon to 3pm.
We want this to be a relaxed, information filled day with the usual
swapping of ideas and information. Prize ribbons will be awarded
for the most beautiful kite, most innovative kite, smallest kite

These kite flies are a great opportunity to try out new ideas and equipment
both for yourself and other interested flyers. See map on cover for directions.



Because we would like to stay independ­ent of any particular sponsor we ask you to send us $3.00 when you mail back the questionaire. This will (hopefully) pay for future printing and postage on your newsletter for one year – A GREAT BARGIN!

Remember, we need three things from you to make KITE FLYER newsletter work.

  1. Your input – write us whenever the spirit moves you.
  2.  Your questionaire filled out so we can move in the right direction.
  3.  Your check for $3.00 so we can print and mail KITE FLYER to you for one year.

Thanks for your help,

Lee Toy and Paul Walker


Ron Young of Solutions, who helped organize the last Father’s Day kite fly is doing it again this time in October. The kite fly will be at the Marina Green October 1. See enclosed flyer for more information or write Solutions, 507 Howard, San Francisco, 94105 Phone number: 415-495-0100

If you hear of any kite contests, displays or classes let us know so we can pass along the information. Time, place, dates, costs and a phone number of the sponsor or person in charge would be helpful information.


We want the names of prospective KITE FLYER newsletter subscribers! Send us the names of friends who you think would be interested in

KITE FLYER and we will send them our next issue free OR be a great friend and send $3.00 with each name you send in and we will see that your friend recieves the KITE FLYER free for one year.



We at KITE FLYER newsletter do not want to seem to be overly commercial but as we all know the local kite retailers in an area play a very im­portant part in the development and direction that kite flying takes in that area. For this reason and to let you know who your local kite retailers are we plan to feature a Bay Area kite store in each issue of KITE FLYER.

KITES,KITES, KITES is a kite store located in the Jack London Village (a shopping complex) two blocks east of the Jack London Square in

Oakland. Thea Eckstein and Brigitte Heftmann are the owners who also run ZAKOPANE gift store adjacent to KITES. (Zakopane is a village in Poland where the colorful handicrafts are made.) The kite shop is open 7 days a week from 10:30 am. to 6:00 pm. Thea is interested in stocking a store full of sophisticated kites for the connoisseur as well as a variety of kites for those who just enjoy the fresh air and sunshine that go with kite flying.

July 2 was the day that KITES, KITES, KITES sponsored a beautiful day of flying on the field next to the Village. Lots of people came out

to enjoy the flying exhibition including KTVU channel 2. Two 25 section chinese centipedes were flown, Captain Kite (Brenden Cook) flew several Skyro-gyros and Pete was on hand with an assortment of his giant kites.


in the air, with the one left flying declared the winner. Jerome has not met and challengers lately and no wonder as it takes about 10 to 15 hours of work to make a kite of this type. Jerome makes his kites out of spruce, bamboo being a first choice is scarce in this country. There are five framing members, four of which must be carefully shaped to give the kite its final configuration.

When he isn’t out flying kites Jerome plays a steel guitar in a band with bookings up to New Year’s Eve to keep him busy. But next time you see a Malaysian fighter at the Berkeley Marina you can almost bet PAGE 2 on finding Jerome at the end of the line.


Like all kite flyers we try to keep our eyes open as we travel around the Bay Area for good kite flying locations. Each issue of KITE FLYER will “find” one of these places and Let you know about it. If you have a favorite kite flying spot that you are willing to share, let us know.


Lovely place to picnic, swim, jog and of course fly kites.

Location: North Oakland off of Hwy. 24 amd Hwy. 13 near the Caldecott tunnel. From HWY. 24 take the Broad¬way exit and follow the sigps to the lake. From HWY. 13 take the Hwy. 24 exit and take the Tunnel Road exit and make a hairpin turn and follow the road to the lake.

Facilities: Bathrooms near the snack bar (coffee too) , also out houses in the parking lot. Because of the Jarvis-Gann a use fee may be in ef¬fect for the swimming and snack bar areas. (Adults $1.00, children 25q Flight conditions: Surrounding hills cause the wind to be quite turbu¬lent. Winds are generally quite light, however knowing the East Bay be prepared for anything. Fighter kites and small deltas do well as space is limited.

Notes: Weekends are crowded and parking can be a problem. For kite fighters the lake is just beyond the grassy area so fight from the parking lot for easy kite retrieval and watch for cars.


Come Fly A Kite, Kiteworld, KCBS Newsradio and the Nabisco Co. helped sponsor the fly.

Master Kiteman Dinesh Bahadur was the commentator and M.C.

The KCBS kite contest was won by the white Conyne style kite by the West Contra Costa YMCA.

The giant fig ran around giving away Nabisco cookies and Kite-world was passing out free fighter kites along with cutting line for those interested in trying their hand at this fascinating sport.


dive and then quickly reach for the zenith, you can make it go to the right and left all with a single flying line.

The traditional Indian fighter kite is a beautiful work of art. Its light weight bamboo frame carries a delicate tissue paper cover yet it can withstand a surprising amount of rough handling when manuvering through the sky.

Vic’s fighter kite is the first collapsible fighter kite made. It has a spruce wood spine and metal cross spars that are interchangeable for a variety of flying conditions. The cover is make of Mylar and is virtu­ally indestructable, making it ideal for beginners yet it is so responsive that most pros use Vic’s fighters in competition. By the way Vic Herrera, the designer of the kite, won the individual kite fighting class on Father’s Day at Golden Gate Park.

If you have never experienced a fighter kite you really owe it to yourself to try this one. it’s like being able to fly!!!!