
After 26 plus magical years, Drachen.org has retired. The website is now a new entity with continued accessibility to the international history, aviation, culture, art, and recreation of kiting.

DrachenKite.com brings kiting to the international forefront: in archival history, programming, exhibitions, events, publications, and more.

The stories of past kiting adventures are priceless, and remain on this website.

We encourage you to continue to access the new site and upload your kiting accomplishments!

Drachen Foundation

The Drachen Foundation was a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation devoted to the increase and diffusion of knowledge about kites worldwide.

As the Foundation retired, good fortune allowed our digital archive, collection of kites, photographs, books, and kite ephemera to continue as this new interactive platform as DrachenKite.com.

The website is a living, breathing entity that grows with your use. Worldwide users will join us to contribute pictures, articles, kite plans, or any of their favorite kite memories.

Best of winds, take flight!